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Echidna Cover It Up Iron-On Interfacing (20″ x 2 yds)


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SKU: E-COVER2 Category:


  • Precut sheet – 20″ x 2 yards (50cm x 1.8m)
  • White only

What to use Cover It Up with

Although this product is listed under stabilisers, it is not a stabiliser – it is for use after embroidering.

This soft and sheer, 100% polyester fusible lightweight fabric has a unique multi-directional stretch.

How to apply Cover It Up

Iron on to the wrong side of the embroidered design (with your iron set at a medium temperature) to prevent the “scratchies” which can sometimes cause irritation when wearing embroidered clothing e.g. babies clothes, T-Shirts, blouses etc. Because it is soft and sheer, Echidna Cover It Up will not add any bulk or affect the hang of your project.

Compare stabilizers

Read our stabilizer guide to compare stabilizers and find out which one to use with your project.

Additional information

Weight 0.08 kg
Dimensions 0.02 × 0.013 × 0.006 cm